Local Government Signage

Digital Signage Local Government and Councils


Communication options today are many – and one of the greatest shifts is to the digital plane. Digital signs are an incredible tool that’s revolutionising how councils and local governments engage with their constituents. Replacing posters and one-dimensional displays with the power of digital has multiple benefits.

Digital Signage for Local Government Speaks to Every Demographic


The shift to digital works for all ages and is eye-catching, relevant and environmentally sound.

Unlimited messaging options


Utilise every facet of engagement. Words, movement, colour, sound, online content, video… Adding digital signage to your local government blueprint brings multiple communication options. Animate important messaging – Bring life to announcements – Grab the attention of your younger constituents… The only limit is your imagination.


Pre-plan, programme and automate


The information displayed can easily be pre-programmed and, with just a click, fully automated. This is hugely beneficial with the constant flow of information councils have to display. Ease the load with a targeted plan and expedited input – then sit back and let technology take over… Implement real-time updates via a chosen connected device.

Portable and simple to operate


ICatcher digital signs couldn’t be easier to use. The intuitive interface provides easy, fast data input. Text, colours, dynamic scrolling, video – even social media feeds and online content. You have full editorial control at all times with remote access via your connected computer, laptop, tablet or phone, 24/7/365.

Bespoke content, today – tomorrow & forever

Tailor the display in whatever way you choose – as many times as you like. From a single digital sign to a suite of assets in multiple locations, the visuals can be changed as often as needed to suit ongoing requirements. From today’s bus timetable to tomorrow’s local election and anything in between. The content is as unique as your administrative region.


The Benefits of Digital Signage for Local Government and Councils


Simple to use, better ROI and increased public engagement – powerful reasons to make the digital switch.

Speaks to every age group


From younger people who’ve always lived in a digital world to the oldest members of our society, digital signage is clear, bright, easy to understand and can be tailored to your target audience. The visual brilliance of a digital display far outweighs the impact of more traditional, one-dimensional signs.

Contemporary and impactful


Digital signs in the local government landscape impart information in a manner that sits well in our technologically advanced world. Wall-mounted or free-standing displays are easily moved as required and simple content and design customisation allow them to seamlessly meld into any environment.

Environmentally friendly messaging


As well as communicating with constituents, councils and local governments play a key role in promoting sustainability. The limitless ability to tailor and change the information on a digital sign removes the need for constant reprinting and use of consumables. A digital switch sends a powerful message regarding positive environmental practices.

Intelligent direction of funds


Councils and local governments must justify every dollar spent. Upgrading to digital information boards has a dramatic cost-cutting effect over the mid to longer term. Replace the constant reproduction and redistribution of printed materials with the ease of digital customisation.


Want the Ultimate Digital Signs for Local Government and Council Needs? Call iCatcher Today


Digital signs are the perfect tool for local government. Whether you want to start small and gradually grow your digital suite or you’re looking for a complete communication upgrade, there’s no better provider than iCatcher Digital Signs.

Call our expert team today and let’s talk digital. We think you’ll be glad you did…

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Part of the Aristos Group

iCatcher Digital Signs is part of the Aristos group of companies, which includes the well-known restaurant Aristos Waterfront Bunbury and Aristos Seafood Trading.
