Restaurant Signage

Digital Restaurant Signs


Restaurants, cafes, lunch bars and other dining outlets are perfectly placed to benefit from digital signage. The potential ROI is high and directly linked to draw appeal that dynamic advertising is proven to achieve. Tailor messaging according to the season, occasion, day and even the hour – then watch your footfall and cover numbers increase.

Attract More Customers with Tailored Digital Restaurant Signs


Customisable, dynamic and attention-grabbing – iCatcher digital signs elevate your advertising results.

Personalise and build your brand


Whether you’re a single venue or have multiple outlets, the dynamic attraction of digital restaurant signs is a valuable investment for your marketing dollars. Showcase your specialties… Publicise your local food sources… Display your vegan creativity… Whatever your USP, digital signage allows you to shout it out to the world.

Relevant, personal and bespoke


The beauty of digital restaurant signs is that every element of the display is tailored to your requirements. Promote your chilled vibe, push special offers, display last-minute availability… The choices are endless, and the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Use the power of digital to upsell menu choices


Never underestimate the power of visual temptation. A revolving digital display of menu masterpieces is a tremendous medium… Don’t just describe a dish – show it! The power of attraction is increased tenfold when your diners can see what they’re ordering. From cakes and desserts to daily specials, digital restaurant signs will really get the juices flowing.

From holiday dining offers to digital menu boards


Every dining facility needs to display its options. Breakfast and lunch bars can take full advantage of digital menu boards – easily edited and tailored to your brand. Digitise food choices to further speed up the whole fast-food experience. Even the most stylish of establishments will benefit from elegant, bespoke digital displays.


The Benefits of Digital Restaurant Signs


It’s not just menu boards… Digital signs grab attention and take the content to a whole new level.

Increase dwell time with time-sensitive messaging


Maximise your digital signage strategy and increase dwell time with the proven ‘4 W approach’. Who, What, When and Where are all vital factors that – tailored to your establishment – will have a dramatically positive effect on your bottom line. Utilise bespoke content to suit particular times of the day.

Digital restaurant signs are on your side 24/7


Even when the facility is closed, a digital restaurant sign continues to maximise your marketing dollars. Strategic placement will talk to passing traffic – you can even get double-sided options to capture attention on both sides of the street. Control your content from your connected device, automate the process and market as you sleep…

Images, video, sound and more


Digital restaurant signs offer a complete suite of display options to tempt and promote positive customer actions. From pictures of mouth-watering dishes to footage of your Michelin chef in action, the bright lights and movement of a digital sign cut through the noise and communicate your unique vibe and message.

Automate, automate, automate


One of the beauties of digital restaurant signs is that you can fully automate your messaging around mealtimes, footfall, festivals and more. iCatcher digital signs come complete with an intuitive interface controlled via your chosen device. Be as creative as you dare and use this proven attention-grabbing medium to speak to your current and future customers.


Ready to Upscale Customer Engagement? Contact iCatcher Now to Discuss Your Digital Restaurant Signage Needs


Wave goodbye to chalking up the daily specials board… Forget the constant scrawling of that characterful outdoor blackboard… Remove the need to have new menu boards printed every time you add, remove or change a dish…

The reasons for adding digital restaurant signs to your outlet are multiple – and proven to provide a robust ROI. iCatcher digital signs lead the market in innovation, ease of use, dynamic function and value for money.

Call us today to discuss the art of the possible…

Some of our partners

Part of the Aristos Group

iCatcher Digital Signs is part of the Aristos group of companies, which includes the well-known restaurant Aristos Waterfront Bunbury and Aristos Seafood Trading.
