Quality signage is an important aspect of any operation’s brand-building and communications strategy but it’s also an important service to the community.
Clear, visible signage helps people find their way around, helps them locate places easily and it can play a role in promoting growth of local businesses – all of which is good for the wider community.
And while local authorities recognise the value of signage, they also have a responsibility to ensure that signs are appropriate, that they don’t pose a hazard to pedestrians or motorists and that they don’t negatively impact on the environment.
That’s why local authorities have rules and regulations in place and any professional signage company (and community-minded business for that matter) would have no quibble about acquiring the appropriate permissions and permits.
Good quality signage should be a win for everyone – the business, the consumer and the community -so it makes sense that there are formal approvals processes in place for everyone’s benefit.
That said, there are many types of signs that are exempt from planning approval requirements, but it is recommended that you get in touch with your local council before you erect anything just to make sure you are within the law. For example, if you are considering putting up an above-roof sign on your business premises, you are likely to need development approval to ensure that the sign complies with your local council’s advertising code.
There are also different guidelines and laws related to signage depending on where the sign is located, such as signs on private land, public land and road reserves – and regulations can differ from shire to shire.
It may sound complicated and if you’re considering putting up new signs, you should check whether your signage company can handle the application for you.
If you choose a professional signage company such as iCATCHER Digital Signs, a specialist in high quality digital signs in Perth, you can take advantage of their qualified town planning service which they offer to customers at no extra cost. Even if you need a digital sign for your business anywhere in Australia, this Perth digital signage company can handle the shire application on your behalf.
Check out their extensive range of LED digital signs which they have installed for customers right around Australia and contact them if you think your business could benefit from one of their high quality products. iCATCHER Digital Signs is a leading designer, manufacturer and installer of premium quality signs (both customised and ready-to-use) with the goal of ensuring that all their clients get the most cost-effective solutions for their communication and promotional needs.
Their full range of products can be seen on their website, iCATCHER Digital Signs or get in touch with their friendly, professional team at 0416 053 335 and let them take care of business.